UCFB Etihad Campus student Emma Anderson was recently asked by Paul Fletcher, director at UCFB, to help organise the launch of his new book Saturday Bloody Saturday, written with co-author and political commentator Alastair Campbell.

The BA (Hons) Football Business & Marketing student had previously impressed Paul when she helped to run The Footballers Who Went to War event, in conjunction with the National Football Museum, last year.

We caught up with Emma to talk about the event, which was attended by a number of guests from across football, politics and media, to get her thoughts on the day…

 How did you come to organise the book launch, and how did you find the event?

Back in December I led the second years in organising The Footballers Who Went to War which Paul Fletcher kindly agreed to host. After this Paul got in contact with me about the launch of Saturday Bloody Saturday and it was an opportunity too good to refuse! I really enjoyed the day, the day ran pretty smoothly and it was very interesting to see how the publishing industry works.

You previously helped to organise the Footballers Who Went to War event. What other events have you helped to run and what about them do you enjoy?

I am currently the Competitions Secretary of the Nottinghamshire County Golf Association Junior Committee so am responsible for organising all the girls’ major competitions in a season as well as events to encourage more girls to take up the sport in the county. It is always pleasing to see people enjoying the events you organise, and it makes all the hard work worth it.

Alastair Campbell, left, and Paul Fletcher at the launch of Saturday Bloody Saturday

 How have you applied your learning at UCFB to these roles?

Our course regularly stresses the importance of the consumer experience and the touch points they come into contact with. This has always been my main thought when organising the events to try to ensure those attending have the most seamless experience possible, from the moment they set out on their journey to the event to when they arrive home.

How important have you found these experiences alongside your degree programme?

It’s so important to be able to put the theory into practice. I feel like I have a much deeper understanding of our course content having had these experiences and have had the opportunity to learn from mistakes as things don’t always work the same in real life as text books say they should.

 What are your aspirations post-graduation?

Studying at UCFB has cemented my desire to work in the sports industry but currently I am unsure as to which part of the sector. This is part of why experiences such as organising the book launch are so important to me in working out exactly what I want to do when I graduate.

What advice can you pass onto fellow or prospective students about the importance of gaining experience within the sports industry?

Put yourself out there. Even if you aren’t sure an opportunity is exactly what you want it will give you an opportunity to test yourself and make an impression on others within the industry. You never know where it may lead.