Policies and Documentation

Understanding our


Policies and Documentation


These policies relate to all students completing a UCFB course validated by the University of East London.

Student Academic
Student Admissions
Student Finance
Student Support
Data Protection and Privacy

Academic Appeals Policy


This Policy provides information on how UCFB responds to academic appeals against decisions made in the delivery of higher education and reflects the requirements of the University of East London (UEL) in respect of the awards given.

Academic Integrity and Academic Misconduct Policy


This Policy outlines how academic integrity is safeguarded and how academic misconduct is managed at UCFB, to ensure that all decisions are taken in an honest, transparent, and respectful manner.

Assessment and Feedback Policy


This document outlines the institutional consideration of UCFB to the support of excellent academic quality and outcomes through its approach to the provision of assessment and feedback opportunities.

Attendance and Engagement Policy


This document sets out UCFB’s approach to monitoring student attendance and engagement.

Exceptional Student Absence and Travel in Term-Time Policy


The purpose of this policy is to detail how exceptional requests for students term-time absence will be dealt with by UCFB.

Extenuating Circumstances Policy and Procedure


During a student’s study, they may encounter difficult or challenging circumstances that could impact their ability to engage with their studies and/or assessments.


Extensions Policy and Procedure


The Extensions Policy should be read in conjunction with the UCFB Extenuating Circumstances Policy and Procedure.

Extensions and Extenuating Circumstances – A Student Guide


We recognise that unplanned events, including ill health, may occur during your time at UCFB, which could impact your ability to study and complete assessments. This Guide has been designed to outline what you need to do and when, as well as the evidence you need to provide.

Library Collections Policy


The Library Collections Policy addresses how library resources are provided to support student learning at module level, and how library resource provision supports learning on the degree courses and student research requirements more widely.

Sexual Violence and Misconduct Policy


UCFB takes reports of sexual violence and misconduct seriously and recognises the mental and physical wellbeing impact of these offences upon those who have experienced sexual violence or misconduct.


Social Media Policy


This policy sets out UCFB expectations regarding the appropriate use of social media and the potential consequences of its misuse.

Admission of Students Under the Age of 18 Policy


To set out the policy and procedure for the admission and enrolment of applicants under the age of 18 years.


Admissions Policy


The purpose of this policy is to provide information on how admissions to higher education provision at UCFB will be managed, and to ensure that all admissions decisions are taken in a fair, inclusive and equitable manner.


Student Transfer Policy


The purpose of this policy is to confirm the process and requirements for students to transfer from another institution, transfer to another institution, and who wish to change their course of study at UCFB.

Debt Management and Sanctions Policy


This policy sets out the process that UCFB will follow if students and customers do not pay their fees or charges due to UCFB, in line with the payment terms detailed in the Fee Payment Policy.

Refund and Compensation Statement


This document outlines how UCFB will deal with the resolution of refund and compensation requests made by its students. The measures contained in this Statement are in addition to the protection that all students have under consumer protection law and does not affect your consumer rights.

At Risk Procedures


A student may be referred to the At Risk Team if they are deemed at risk of not satisfying academic course requirements or responsibilities due to lack of engagement, mental health, other health concerns or adverse personal circumstances.

Disability Policy


This policy seeks to set out a framework to ensure people with disabilities can fully participate, where practicable, in our academic and social courses and workplace environment.

Fitness to Study Policy


This policy seeks to ensure that students with health or disability (including mental health) related issues that impact negatively on their own (or that of others) ability to study are dealt with in the most appropriate way.

Safeguarding Under-18s and Adults at Risk Policy


UCFB is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for all students, employees and individual visitors who access its facilities and services.

Student Disability Disclosure Policy and Procedure


This document outlines the policy and procedures of student disclosure and confidentiality which applies across the UCFB community.

CARM Stakeholder Consultation Policy


This Policy applies to all course accreditation, approval, revalidation, and (major and minor) modification (CARM) activity and the student experience of all students enrolled on undergraduate and postgraduate taught courses. This Policy applies to formal CARM processes however, informal partnership working and co-creation with stakeholders is also encouraged.

CARM Strategic Approval Policy


This Policy applies to all course accreditation, approval, revalidation, and (major and minor) modification (CARM) activity and the student experience of all students enrolled on undergraduate and postgraduate taught courses.

CMA Compliance Policy


This document outlines how UCFB, as a higher education institution, will comply with CMA guidance, recognising the importance of clear, accurate, unambiguous and timely information for students, ensuring terms and conditions are fair and outlining a fair and accessible complaints handling process.

CCTV Policy


UCFB has in place CCTV surveillance systems across its UK campuses. This policy details the purpose, use and management of the CCTV systems at UCFB and defines the procedures to be followed in order to ensure that UCFB complies with relevant legislation and the current Information Commissioner’s Office Code of Practice.

Conflict of Interest Policy


As a registered provider of higher education, UCFB must comply with the Office for Students’ (OfS) ongoing conditions of registration, including those that specifically relate to governance. One of the primary responsibilities of a governing body is to ensure the establishment and monitoring of systems of control and accountability, including procedures for managing conflicts of interest.

External Speaker Policy


Our students regularly have the opportunity to hear from leading figures in the sports and business world as part of the Careers and Planning offer at UCFB. This policy is applies to the whole UCFB community which includes staff, students and external visitors.

Freedom of Speech Policy


UCFB is committed to upholding academic freedom and free speech in its teaching and research and ensuring that a free and open discussion can take place and that a diversity of views can be expressed and tolerated.

Gender Pay Gap Report


UCFB is committed to publishing an annual Gender Pay Gap Report. In the UK, public, private and voluntary sector organisations with 250 or more employees are required to report on their gender pay gaps annually. This falls under the Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay GapInformation) Regulations and a snap shot of data should be taken on 5 April each year.

Modern Slavery Policy


This policy provides information on the institutions commitment to combatting modern slavery and measures taken.

PSRB Accreditation Policy


This policy applies to all course accreditation, approval, revalidation, and (major and minor) modification (CARM) activity and the student experience of all students enrolled on undergraduate and postgraduate taught courses; and accreditations and certifications from professional industry bodies.

Public Information Policy


UCFB is committed to making accurate, clear, unambiguous and timely information available to all stakeholders, including prospective and current students.

Response to Death of a Student Policy


The purpose of this policy is to: set out administrative responsibilities in the event of the death of a student, ensure that the response to such an event is is appropriate, timely and effective, that UCFB communicates effectively with the family and all public authorities, and acts supportive to all involved.

Student Representation Policy


This policy sets out the UCFB approach, in conjunction with the Students’ Union (SU), to the management and oversight of Student Representation, including the purpose of each level of Student Representation.

Complaints Policy


UCFB is committed to providing a high-quality experience for each student. It recognises, however, that on occasion a student may be dissatisfied with or concerned about an aspect of their experience and may wish to pursue this further. UCFB encourages students to inform it where there is any cause for concern or where there may be an opportunity to make improvements. This Complaints Policy, enables students to make complaints.


Confidentiality – Student Wellbeing Guidance Statement


We are committed to treating you with dignity and respect which includes handling any personal information you give us.

Privacy Policy


UCFB respects your privacy and is committed to protecting your personal data. This Privacy Notice outlines the basis on which any personal data we collect from you, or that you provide to us, will be processed by us and will also tell you about your privacy rights and how the law protects you. This Privacy Notice relates to our processing of personal data of past, present and prospective students of UCFB and such other third parties who interact with us (including visitors to our website).

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