June 12, 2024

UCFB academic shares top tips for becoming a successful football coach

UCFB academic shares top tips for becoming a successful football coach

Course leader for BA (Hons) Football Coaching and Talent Development, Neil
Scott, gives his advice on how to become a successful football coach.

Here are his top six tips:

1. Gain experience

“Try and observe, assist and lead as many coaching sessions as possible. Different
experiences will develop lots of different skills and knowledge.”

2. Reflect

“Spend time thinking about each experience, keep a diary or a blog, to ensure
you take the most from them.”

3. Do the simple things well

“Turn up on time all the time, be prepared and be professional.”

4. Be curious

“Ask questions, read, research and try to gain as much knowledge as possible.”

5. Be brave

“Don’t be afraid to try new techniques, sessions, experiences – be comfortable
being uncomfortable!”

6. Be humble

“Don’t let your ego get in the way. Put the needs of the players first. Coach for
them and not for you.”


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