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Frequently asked questions
Where do Academy players play/train?

Training takes place at Capital City Academy, a 10 minute drive from Wembley Stadium. It is a former British Basketball League (BBL) venue that can take up to 600 spectators.

What is the criteria to secure a place?

Ideally, former national or international experience in the sport. We also hope to provide intermediate level competition for those who don't make the first team.

Are there trials?

We will organise open trials during the Easter period for new students. Current students will also be invited along.

Will there be internships / work placements offered specifically in relation to basketball?

There will be several work opportunities across different sectors of basketball offered through our partnership with London Elite basketball club.

Are there opportunities for women interested in the Academy?

Not right now, however we are looking to open a women's basketball Academy as soon as possible.

Will the UCFB Athletic Union be promoting basketball?


Will there be any trips on offer with the Academy?

Yes - London Elite is taking part in the U20 European Youth Basketball League. This will provide the exclusive opportunity for eligible players to travel with the squad.

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