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Student Life
April 26, 2023

Exam checklist: What to bring to your exams this summer term

Exam checklist: What to bring to your exams this summer term

With the end of the academic year approaching, many students across all undergraduate and postgraduate years are preparing to sit their exams.

To help with preparation towards the actual day, it is important to remember what to bring to the exam you are sitting.

Students across the country feel so pressured, or even too focused, for the actual content of the exam, that some forget to bring necessary items.

Here’s some things it is important to bring with you for your exam:

1. Your student card

Your student card is vital to bring with you as a form of ID.

2. Pens and pencils

Notice the plural. Many students turn up for their exam with a pen, and then it runs out of ink halfway through.

3. Calculators

If your exam requires one, it is essential to bring them. Again with the plural, batteries could die out mid-exam so it is vital to stay prepared.

4. Water

Water helps you, and your brain, feel hydrated and more relaxed during the exam. Just make sure your water bottle has no label.

5. Timetable/watch

It is obviously important to be aware which exam you are sitting, at what time, and where, when you have multiple in one day or a week. Having a watch on you also helps you plan how long to stay on each question for.

However, it is also important to remember what not to bring to an exam:

1. Food and drink other than water

Food is not allowed in the exam hall.

2. Mobile phones and other electronic devices

Your mobile phone must stay outside of the exam hall during the time of the exam.

3. Tipp-ex

If you make a mistake, simply cross it out but still make it visible to examiners, who still take rough work into account when marking.

4. Revision material

Unless a textbook for an ‘open book exam,’ revision material must not enter the hall with you and must stay outside.


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